


view : 988

Bulgogi is a signature Korean meat dish made by marinating thinly
sliced beef in soy sauce and then grilling it.
Although the name bulgogi means meat grilled on fire, bulgogi is
generally stir-fried in a moist pan.
Serving size : 3~5 servings
Materials : Sliced Beef 600g , Bulgogi marinade 150g , onion , carrot,
scallion , mushroom , chinese noodles (Glass noodles) and marinade.
Step1 : Prepare main materials
Prepare 600g (for 3~5 servings) of beef, chinese noodles and
vegetables (onion, carrot, scallion, mushroom, etc) into appropriate
sized pieces.
Step2 : Prepare marinade (sauce)  *or buy processed one.
5 tablespoons soy sauce + 3 tablespoons sugar
+ 2 tablespoons minced green onion + 1 tablespoon minced garlic
+ 1 tablespoon sesame oil + ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
+ 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds + ¼ Korean pear
(Tip) You can prepare a tablespoon by weighing about 10ml (or 10g).
Step3 : Marinade
Apply uniformly  BBQ marinade” (150g) to the beef and put them
with the prepared vegetables in the refrigerator(cold) over one hour.

Step4 : Cook
Put it together with vegetables into  a frying pan and roast it over a
strong flame at first and reduce low flame until enough cooked.

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